
Biking Through Taiwan (台灣好)

In Taiwan,I rode bikes in many places,mostly along riverside bikeway.I rode in simple bikeways,and even Manoan(美濃),a countryside with fields close by Kaohsiung.

Michelle和我都不是早起的鳥兒,當朦朧的雙眼看到迷濛的山嵐、清晰的田野,毫不猶豫地踏上鐵馬迎向晨曦的田埂間;鄉野的清晨,空氣好清新、風超輕柔、陽光和煦、 大地通透,路上隨時擦身而過的老伯、阿媽都會親切地跟我們說:早!

I always rode with my auntie.I really liked all the bikeways. The bikeways along Keelung river bikeway were overlooking a lake or across a bridge with fabulous lights! In Manoan,we saw slugs,snails,fields,bridges,dams,and museums in our early-morning biking trip !

I improved in biking much more from this trip. I also saw many cute dogs that are awesome and they really liked me! The air smelled fresh and I felt the wind blowing in my face.I took lots of pictures,too! Biking ROCKS!!!
